I am a Level 7 General Expeditor, seniority 8/11/01. Tour is 0100-0950, with Monday/Tuesday off, which is Sunday night/Monday night.
Most of the work is done outside, which means you get to wear shorts to work almost year round. The facility is right next to the airport. Only an hour from Disney, Orlando, and all the attractions. Beaches are 30 minutes away.
I need a transfer to the Norfolk, Virginia area ASAP, due to family reasons. I am window qualified, have worked in mail processing on DBCS and DIOSS machines, and done manual mail processing and APPS machines. I am also CFS qualified.
Hi Lena im looking to go to tampa area i am an ssa in northern va level 6,but i think we have to have same grade level according to the contract not sure u can e-mail me at engineerfortyfive@yahoo.com,thanks.