SSA/Window Clerk, living in Dupont, 4 minutes to Ft Lewis, PO Branch. Dupont is 7 Minutes from Lacey, 11 minutes to dowtown Olympia. Dupont is 15 minutes from Lakewood/Tacoma and the Tacoma P&DC. 30 minutes to SeaTac Airport, Seattle. Ft Lewis PO hrs 8:30 - 5:00. My start time 8:15, days off -Sat/Sunday. 3 window clerks. 1 Box clerk. 2 back office clerks and 1 pool clerk. 5 carriers. 1 Mngr/1 Supvr. We service the active military, retired military and civilian contractors on Fort Lewis. The atmosphere, small office at Fort Lewis, is great. Any clerk position will be accepted, automation or mail processor for a MUTUAL SWAP. My senority date 6/11/1994. E-mail me at al.hogan@comcast.netThis message has been edited. Last edited by: al hogan,