Hey Dennis. I’m actually very familiar with Salem, MA. My oldest son was actually born there 20 years ago while I was working in Lawrence, MA as a PTF. I saw your ad and management at my office actually posted it on the bulletin board and talked to me about it. I have a brother living in Peabody but I feel that area is a little over my “budget” for housing. I did save your info just in case.
I appreciate the response. Let me know if you change your mind. My email is dopey88049@aol.com. also if you happen to know of anyone else who would be interested please have them contact me.
If you're at all willing to come to Ohio, I'm a letter carrier in Cincinnati trying to move my family to Lakeland. Cost of living isn't too bad and there's plenty to do in and around southwest Ohio. Seniority is 6/25/14. Let me know if you're interested or know anyone who would be! Thanks!