Anyone want to come to Naples Fl,my senority date is 07/29/2005,Im currently a T6 city letter carrier,3 offices to bid from,overtime if wanted,great supervisors,white sandy beaches,good schools for kids,hard to believe but affordable housing,email me at,or my cell is 239-776-4774,lets talkThis message has been edited. Last edited by: MFM,
Hello MFM, I notice that you want to move to Beaufort or Bluftin, SC there is a guys from Virginia who wants to move out to another state if you want more information I will send it to you.
Hello MFM, I am at Mesa, AZ looking for a mutual transfer to Florida, I am also looking for a three way so I can help you to move to SC or NC, just keep me in mine if you know someone else who is looking to move to AZ. Thanks.
Hello MFN, If we could find someone from the Rock Hill, Fort Mill,S.C. area to go your way, You could take my position in Jacksonville,N.C. Jacksonville is just a few miles from Topsail Beach and Emerald Isle.