if you don't mind going as a ptf all you have to do is go on ereasign on the postal website. If you are planning on getting a mutual tansfer you have to find someone who you are going to transfer with. remember you both will get the lowest mans seniority date. After you have worked out who you are transferring with yo need to contact your local personel office to get all of the proper paperwork. They will need to contact both employees workplace and get copies of all of the paperwork in your files. Make sure all grievance paperwork has been removed before you go through the process. Make sure the person you are transferring ewith has perfect driving record and perfect attendance. If they have used it as fmla it will not be held against them. After you have contacted personel you will need to stay on top of personel and their paperwork. You will both need to write letters of request to the postmasters of the areas you are going to. But personel should tell you all of that. I have had people retire and the new person filed the paperwork as changed status. Hope this helps. Good Luck. It may take a while...