Vallejo,CA about (45 Sacramento/30 San Francisco) My seniority date is 07/03 and I wish to transfer to Oahu,HI. for family reasons. If interested, please contact sorry PTF's in the ELM only regulars can only exchange w/other regulars. p.s. if your a PTF and want to swap! when you turn regular! feel free to contact me also.This message has been edited. Last edited by: T,
Hi Ted!! I sure hope you get some one interested to trade with you. I am still waiting on the "okay" from the postmasters for my exchange. Try and keep a clean personal file and you will be half way there!! Will you come as a ptf ?? We just hired in two new ones in our office! Good luck!!! Rene' from Honolulu (beach3)
Hi! sorry i didn't get back with you right away from the other reply,you know being on the ODL!! how that is!! back on postal record also e-reassing still waiting.