Would you be interested in Missoula, MT? Its by no meas rural compared to most of Montana, but you can be in the wilderness in just 15 minutes from town. And, it is one of the best opportunities to still carry nice city routes. I actually transferred here from Canon City, CO and we love it. Anyway, Im looking to get to Central Texas for family and medical reasons. If you would be interested in Missoula, let me know and I think we might be able to get a 3rd person for a 3 way! I have been talking with a guy in Texas that is considering Montana, but also has family in Colorado. So, he may consider Colorado Springs. Let me know what you think. Give me a call or a text and I can give you more info if interested. 406-880-2587
erichjb, I have a guy in Texas where I want to go thats very interested in Colorado Springs. If youve given Missoula any more thought, let me know and Ill get you his contact info.