posted 18 October 2011 22:26
Regular carrier senority 2001 looking to trade to prescott, Flagstaff or other options possible. Open to other areas lets talk.
Sorry, I want to stay on the west coast, but am open to a three way trade.
Hi, any chance you would be interested in Wasilla Ak. No taxes, 25% cola and state oil divedend check every year. I gross 75-95,000 every year .
Would you consider lancaster,pa ? Large office with 130 routes plenty of mounted great rural scenery in the middle of ahmish country seniority is 7 /94
Sorry I am hoping to stay on the west coast if you can find a three way I would be open to that. Sorry no Alaska.
hello there my name is laronn tolbert and i was thinking about e-reasigning to flagstaff is it better there than sierra vista both areas is open
Flagstaff by far is better