I was told that I was at the top of the transfer list for an office in the Ft Worth Dist. I got a call from the Postmaster who said the complement board opened this city up. My question is how long can HR sit on this before filling the positions? Due they have a time limit or can HR take forever? I have another request in for a reasignment opportunity and they keep extending it these are supposed to be hard to fill vacancies so why not fill them as soon as someone requests it?
From what I was told Fort Worth District is very difficult to get into. I put in for Fort Worth was called 1 week later after review was rejected for sick leave. I had used 350+ hrs on FMLA over last 4yrs. Mom had cancer. I'm in review at Arlington for 2 months. Probably will have same out come. Waiting to here from Grapevine. What office you waiting on? Bill