1st plz be sure everyone involved is really ready to go its so disappointing to get ready to go and find out that someone on board really aint on board ya know good luck i hope things work out for ya i would start with letters to HR saying ur attempting to coordinate a 3way mutual swap list ur name and the others that r involved and get them to do the same and stay with it
First of all there needs to be a total of nine letters. Each one of you writes a letter to all three postmasters. It must be certified mail. If you want it to go faster... ask your supervisor for a copy of you attendence/performance/safety(driving) report(its a printout). Send these with your letter. You letter should read That your are formally requesting the mutual exchange be considered. Also that JOE Something Carrier A, his info(present station and work numbers and postmaster info), his desired station. Next carrier B Emily Somethingelse, her info, her desired station, Carrier C Jane Doe, her info, her desired location. Also mention that The postmasters in each location will be recieving requests from the other carriers involved. Thats it. Keep it simple and easy to read. Goodluck.
PS Oh and to avoid headaches make sure you all really want this and have good records(no issues) prior to sending letters...
I'm currently in the final stages of approval and have my finger crossed everything goes well.
But earlier i did try a three way where it came out one person was not considered ok for transfer. So it fell apart. This time its a direct trade with a really good guy so he can get back to his family while i'm closer to mine.