or bob stibrany po box 373, wenatchee wa.98807 7-94 seniority date. 15 from the top of 50 true 4 seasons, no state tax. 3 dams in the area give us the cheapest electricty in the tabs 50.00 a year. i'm not a home owner, so i can't fill you in on property taxes etc. family in anchorage. ready to come up in march for interview, (& see grand kids).would like to move this summer by aug.
Hi Bob, just thought I would let you know, our postmaster did not think there was anybody on reassign to come to wasilla. If the ptf leaves and 2 people retire the first two people that come in will probably become regulars right away. You can always turn down reassign if you were not the first on the list. scott
i might get up there to seefamily in march or april. perhaps i will stop in and see the postmaster while i'm there. whats the adress of the office & who should i ask for ?