just to let you know, I doesn't matter what your route is like. You DO NOT switch routes. you only swap locations (city) You both become unassigned regulars. Management can temporarly assign you to their route; but your routes go up for bid. Since you will be a regular you can also bid when you get there. thats how it works.
Hey Camby I live in Indianapolis, In I read you response on my add. If we can get in touch with the person wanting Colorado maybe we could do a three way trade. Do you know how to contact him? I don't know the procedure. Call me if your interested. 317-545-1926 at home or 317- 910-1386 on my cell. It would be great to get to Arizona to be with my daughters living in Phoenix.
Hey Camby, I went back to June of 09 and found his add. I left him a message. I don't know how often he checks his. If you are still interested we can see if wags can contact him, if he doesn't reply soon. Or we can contact the branches in Glendale. Let me know if you want to do this. Thanks Katy
In Tenn, deperately wanting to be with ny family in Colorado, especially Colorado Springs! If you can get to Tenn, my postmaster will help get you to your final destination. And of course, my wife will do just about anything to get me home!
Call my cell (Colo #) 720-989-7521 and my email is warden.billy@yahoo.com. Call or text anytime!
Posts: 6 | Location: Current/TN--Moving/Colorado | Registered: 25 February 2010