We have family in El Paso and are looking to relocate. I am in the Chicagoland area, Orland Park, IL. 60462. Orland Park is outside of Chicago located in the southwest suburbs, 45 minutes from the city, 45 from the country. Very little walking at all, the office mainly consists of mounted, condos and businesses. Very nice station/location/routes, 36 in all. Chicago comes with four seasons, music, every sport, two zoo’s, museums, great food, Lake Michigan, etc….
If you or someone you know is interested in Atlanta, GA instead, I know a lady who is interested in coming to Orland Park from Atlanta so a three-way swap could be in the works. If either of these locations spark your interest feel free to call or text me with any questions you may have. My seniority date is 9/05 and my supervisor is Jim Boger. He can be reached at (708) 349-8030 if you have any questions for him. Thank you, Dwayne (210) 317-6118
I'm interested in coming to Orland Park. I put in for a couple transfers to that surrounding area. I'm coming from north of NYC. If someone wants NY, let me know.