ann date is good to know, because when you swap you both or al 3 , etc. take the higher of the dates. example: I have 1994, if you have 1990, then I go into your office with 1994 and you come into my office with 1994. if your ann date is 2004, then I go into your office with 2004 and you go into my office with 2004. this is "office" seniority only, not years in service. I have 34 yrs in service but only 20 yrs here in Wenatchee office. we shouldn't have any ptf's by now, but if we do ... only regulars can do a mutual trade. it's not "mutual" if your a ptf. cca's cant trade or transfer. they have to quit and get rehired in another office to go there. hope this clears up some confusion im reading in these blogs.