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08 July 2012, 14:03
robert sanchez
I am looking for a mutual transfer from Mesa, Arizona to Southern Florida, from Daytona Beach all the way to Miami Beach, including Tampa, Florida and close city. Due to my daughter illness I am willing to help the person with this exchange with some cash. If you are willing to help me with this please let me know. I was working with two carrier on a three way mutual transfer but at the end one decided to go other way. Some time your hope are so high when they said yes and then you just get so depress when they just quit. Thanks.
09 July 2012, 11:14
I know that feeling..All the best of luck..
09 July 2012, 11:24
I received an option to reassign to st Pete a couple weeks ago. I had
to turn it down as we couldn't get a mutual start date that worked. But several cities are starting to open up as far as transfers. Good luck finding a swap.
09 July 2012, 12:38
Virginia is very humid this time of year. You should go ahead and just swap with me Smiler
09 July 2012, 16:49
robert sanchez
Originally posted by theg3ni3:
Virginia is very humid this time of year. You should go ahead and just swap with me Smiler
Sorry, but my wife has family at Florida. Her family is going to help us with my daughter. Thanks. I will consider a three way if would work.
13 July 2012, 19:59
Hello Robert. This cause me a separation on my family (wife and children). I know your felling. I really hate when people make you a promise to make this happen and then when the time is coming they change the mind and then all problem comes. Sorry that this happen to you. Hope for the best for you and your family, hopefully you will be able move with you family.
16 July 2012, 23:32
robert sanchez
Still waiting for a two way or three way, if any one is interested to do some of this following transfer please let me know, TN to AZ, FL to VA, FL to KY, FL to IL, I got some carriers who are wanting to make this happen, email me at, thanks
16 July 2012, 23:34
robert sanchez
Originally posted by junior20:
Hello Robert. This cause me a separation on my family (wife and children). I know your felling. I really hate when people make you a promise to make this happen and then when the time is coming they change the mind and then all problem comes. Sorry that this happen to you. Hope for the best for you and your family, hopefully you will be able move with you family.

16 July 2012, 23:51
robert sanchez
Originally posted by robert sanchez:
Still waiting for a two way or three way, if any one is interested to do some of this following transfer please let me know, TN to AZ, FL to VA, FL to KY, FL to IL, I got some carriers who are wanting to make this happen, email me at, thanks
Thanks for giving me some feedback and hope, hope for the best for you guys also, thanks.
22 July 2012, 21:16
robert sanchez
Originally posted by robert sanchez:
Originally posted by robert sanchez:
Still waiting for a two way or three way, if any one is interested to do some of this following transfer please let me know, TN to AZ, FL to VA, FL to KY, FL to IL, I got some carriers who are wanting to make this happen, email me at, thanks
Thanks for giving me some feedback and hope, hope for the best for you guys also, thanks.
Still waiting to get this mutual transfer done, I am willing to give some cash in a pot to help me move ASAP, around $4,000 to 5,000.
17 January 2013, 14:54
I am in Tennessee and am trying to get to Virginia - if this helps you all? Let me know!
17 January 2013, 20:22
robert sanchez
Nita what part of TN are you working. Sure I would check for a three or four way to make this happen. Thanks.
21 January 2013, 13:57
robert sanchez
Still looking, will help with some of the cost for expensive.