| Hi Karen, I'm sorry it took so long to get back to you, but I really want to get back to the City of San Diego and not the County. |
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| Karen, do you know if a 4 way trade has ever been done? Well here is my e-mail: frankcantu81@yahoo.com |
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| Hi Frank! Well, I called my HR person and asked about doing a 4 way trade. She said it might be more difficult because the more people you add to the loop, the more problems that could happen. Each Postmaster looks at the incoming person they will be getting. They look at safety, performance and attendance. If one Postmaster shoots down a carrier, then the whole trade is nixed. Granted, the union can grieve the denial, and the PM's MUST have a good legitimate reason for denying a trade. Also, all 4 people must agree to the same start date and all 4 people assume the lowest seniority. See what I mean about the more you put in the pot, the more problems come up? As for me, my record is clean, and I don't care what my seniority date would be to get me where I want to go. We just all have to be in agreement about everything. I will be in touch. You be as well. My E-mail is AZMailLady25@aol.com |
| Posts: 339 | Location: United States | Registered: 10 April 2009 |