Originally posted by KathyB: Hi. I am in Central Ca. between Bakersfield and Fresno. If you are interested in this area let me know. e-broyles@sbcglobal.net
Hi Kathy, In what city is your office located? How many routes and do they all have LLVs? FSS? Thanks.
I am in Visalia. Between Fresno and Bakersfield. We have 26 rural routes all have LLV's, DPS, no FSS. Not scheduled for those any time soon. We were told that it was probably a long time off for those. We are not a formula office, so Sat or Mon, off is an option. We are in a large town, but its an agricultual area. Rural or city living and housing here is probably one of the lowest in the state. We are not really sure about NJ., but thought we would throw this out there to see if you wanted to come here and see if you have any other possiblities we could look at.
Ok, thanks for the info. It's not exactly close to the areas I wanted but I will do some research. The only (for sure) 3-way possibility I have right now is Sierra Vista, AZ. There is a carrier there who wants Little Egg Harbor.
Originally posted by KathyB: Where are you hoping to go? Any specific coastal or desert areas?
Well, I would love to be within an hour of San Diego, L.A., or San Fran. But any city near the coast would interest me. Also the Yucca Valley, Victorville, Palm Springs areas interest me a lot.