Postal Forums
Suburb of Boston to Bangor or Calais Maine region

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28 May 2009, 18:37
Suburb of Boston to Bangor or Calais Maine region
This office is 20 miles west of Boston.It is an upscale town. It has 14 Rural Routes and 11 City Routes. Great atmosphere to work in. My wife's family lives in Canada.We are trying to get closer. My Route is a 38H.Of the 14 Rural Routes, two are unassigned and will be fed into the other 12 routes at the beginning of next year.These 12 routes will be beefed up.These 12 Routes could also be totally reconfigured with the other two routes being added to them at the same time. Bottom line is , they will be bigger. All routes have LLV's.I start at 7 and usually am done by 1 2 p.m. Any questions my # is 1 978 248 9896.

My name is Rod.
Hope to hear from you.