Middlefield OH 6- K routes 1- Aux route. All LLV's. DPS letters. Amish country. Will most likely get my route that is a 46K w/ 52 miles. Middlefield is located 1 hour - east of Cleveland, south of Lake Erie. I'm open since there are too many states to list I would like to consider. Text me @ 330-240-8239.
Hi, If you are still looking and can find someone from the states you want to go to who would like a small town office in New York I am interested. I have a 43k LLV route with a 26 hour aux as my buffer. One duo'ed 43k LLV in office. Office is Woodbourne NY in Sullivan county.
Jerseygirl- my office is 50 minutes from the NJ border. Would it be be something you would consider? I don't want NC, I want Ohio so it would be a 3 way transfer.