I guess this has gotten some play on Facebook, but I am not a Facebook person so all I can tell you are the facts as I know them. A coworker of mine talked to a carrier in AZ about a possible transfer. That carrier told her that the lowest route her office was a 41H. My coworker decided that was acceptable and submitted transfer forms to AZ. She was told by AZ management that the forms were incorrect and by the way did she know the route was "seasonal"? Meaning that during the winter it was a 41H and the rest of the year it was a 35H? Of course she didn't. She was deliberately misled by the carrier. I would never have thought that by transferring a person could potentially end up with a route that was less than full time. I thought, as I am sure most of us do, that we are guaranteed a regular full time route. I personally consider a 35h an aux route. Anyways, my coworker never submitted any more paperwork and our postmaster (who never even signed the paperwork, it was only signed by a manager) said that she was fine. The AZ carrier is pushing the transfer and somehow, I cannot even fathom how, it looks like my coworker may be forced to complete the transfer. Any thoughts? Suggestions?
It’s up to each person to thoroughly research the office they are going to. Yes, we expect people to be honest with us because it’s the decent thing to do but some folks are more decent than others. Unfortunately, being tricked into a transfer is not enough of a reason to have it voided. Lots of people change their minds halfway through a transfer so they can claim anything and it wouldn’t be fair to the other people that’s why it’s binding once signed by all parties.
The one hole I see in this case is that the form was signed by a manager and not the postmaster... UNLESS the postmaster designated/authorized the manager to make the decision on the transfer and sign off on it. This is most likely the case as I don’t see a manager signing such a document without the consent of the postmaster. In this case the manager’s signature is just as valid as a postmaster’s.
The only way I can see this getting reversed is if the manager signed the form without the postmaster’s knowledge or consent (unlikely). In that case the carrier will have to get it in writing that the postmaster had no knowledge of this transfer request and does not approve of it (may also have to give a reason why the carrier is not approved) and submit it with a grievance. That might not work though because the other carrier may have the union on their side (rightfully so). At this point the postmaster will have to be the one raising a stink with district claiming that someone went over his head (manager). This seems like placing blame on someone (who was trying to help the carrier) for a mistake the carrier made in not doing proper research.
My thoughts are this: The carrier was willing to go to AZ for the right pay. They will be making less money than they thought. That’s the consequence for not doing the research. Lesson learned. The opportunity to move to another route will present itself sooner or later. I’m sorry to be so blunt/harsh but the carrier needs to suck it up and accept the decision that they made. Things may turn out great in the end. Honestly, it sounds like the classic case of buyer’s remorse.
Ok I thought about this and this is what happens when you hear a one sided version of a story.Since I am the carrier in Az of which you soeak you do not have all your facts right.First she contacted me after I had 3 failed transfer it is a family emergency that I be in Cali .She was told of the 2 lowest routes that the carriers on them fo not wish to bid off they bid fown to get them thise are the tiny H routes you speak of.Then she was told that 3 routes plus mine were going for bid so once she was in the office she would have bidding rights between 3 offices close to 90 routes .Your office has 4 rural routes far better opportunity for larger route here.Second cost of living is way cheaper I have a 3 bedroom house for 850 a month not likely I will find that thete.Next thete was nothing wrong with the paperwork it was thought it was dated incorrectly however it was found to be all valid by both rural offices and HR.That is why the binding clause is on transfer paper to protect eveyone. Next both postmasters are in agreeance in moving foward .There is nothing to grieve I asked.You should know and listen to all facts and do your research . I have had to change my plans several times and now looks like will be walking into a new office new town and it sppears hostile coworkers right slap dab in the holiday season.I am a good person and dont want drama or issues Please understand that noone was dishonest or deceitful the truth was told apparently it was not understood. So please if your gonna boice in know your facts as she should of.I was contacted first and did what was proper all parrwork has been verified and they are good.thanks for looking out for your coworker
The reason I posted this was to make others aware that there are folks out there who are unscrupulous. Like I said, it would not occur to a lot of potential transferees that they might end up with a 35H. I have transferred myself and would not have anticipated that.
What really is unfortunate for me is that our office only has four rural routes and now the other two carriers and I have to trade our overly trusting, nice coworker for someone who is perfectly fine with knowingly causing serious financial harm to another person in order to further their own interests.
I should also point out, that it was the own AZ carrier's management that told our managers that the transfer was incomplete due to wrong paperwork and could not be processed. No new paperwork was ever filed and therefore our carrier and postmaster believed the transfer voided and that no further action was required. And I believe that even if the initial pw is correct and signed, there is a period where the management then pulls personnel files and either approves or does not approve the transfer. That the final decision is made by management, not our union or the carriers. Our managers never even pulled her records because they were told by her side that the pw was not accepted and our carrier never submitted the correct pw once she found out she was deceived.
So I still do not understand how this transfer can be pursued by anyone...
The paperwork is not that complicated. In a 2 way transfer, it's 1 piece of paper and 4 signatures. Either it's signed or not. Doesn't get any more simple than that.
Yes, there is other paperwork that needs to be filed and processed by HR afterwards but once that initial form is signed, there is no turning back.
The pulling of personnel files and what not is to be done before signing. Just because your office did not pull any files on the carrier doesn't mean anything. If management signed the form it's a done deal.
Because you never know what youll get when you transfer but since the small H routes were never involved our first bids were awarded a rca got the open rt 43J now soon two K rts will be going up.when you transfer its the risk you gotta take.So everyone be SURE before you sign...thank u