Postal Forums
From Northeast Ohio to Burgaw area North Carolina

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06 May 2019, 05:45
From Northeast Ohio to Burgaw area North Carolina
Hello everyone! I'm looking to transfer from a small office in Northeast Ohio close to PA line to Burgaw North Carolina, which is close to Wilmington. I have a 41K route with LLV. Smallest route is 44H, but she is not interested in larger route. only 3 routes in office. Other route is also 41K. I'm looking to get as close as possible to Burgaw, so I can be close to family.
22 May 2019, 05:49
Somebody in my office, is interested in my route. So, that means you would be getting at 41H route with an LLV. This is a very quite rural farm area. People here are wonderful.
22 May 2019, 14:53
I would take that route, but I'm in North Dakota Frowner
23 May 2019, 05:50
I will keep that in mind, if I come across anybody interested. I will let you know.
23 May 2019, 18:04
23 June 2019, 10:41
are you still looking?, im just outside of columbia sc
27 June 2019, 05:38
Yes I'm still looking. However, Columbia SC is a bit too far to compute.
25 September 2019, 05:34
Still looking. Ready to move before winter.