I currently have a country club - route all houses, off every other weekend, it will possibly be every weekend after the count. The route is evaluated at 7.87 daily hours, but I usually complete it every day in less than 5.5 hours. I'll consider anywhere in Maine. Call me at 704-281-7706, or e-mail to opob20032003@yahoo.com It is possible that I could provide housing while you looked for a place of your own here. Also, there's plenty of sun and low cost of living!!
Hi, my name is Wendell from Glenwood Springs Co. This is a Beautiful little city. 3 43k routes. If you would consider this city, there is a carrier wanting to go to N. C. from Oregon, I am triing to transfer to the west coast. Possible three-way transfer. My phone number is (970) 928-0170, my e-mail is wendelloc62@yahoo.com.