Wanting to get closer to the palatka area. I have someone that wants my office. He is located in Ocala, fl.I'm located in ponte vedra beach, fl. Theres only 2 routes here now.I'm gonna get ajusted down to a 43k.but there's lots of growth to come.
Willing to work however many possible ways.I really want to get closer to the palatka area .I have someone in Ocala. But we need someone that wants ocala.
Ann, you are still looking to transfer? I'm in St Aug and may be interested in PV...that would get you closer to Palatka. Do you provide your own vehicle? I have an LLV. Maybe we could talk. I'll be checking back...Thanks, D'Ann
Hey there D'Ann we use r own vehicle.I'm a 48k waiting to get adjusted.46miles long .email whitedebbie27@yahoo.com or 386-983-5663 u can call or text just leave message thanks ann