I live in so. west kansas near Dodge City 45H 41j 2 route office 150 miles 155boxes I am wanting to find something in Texas If you are interested or know of anything else I would like a route similar if possible. Thanks
where are you NE Texas? I think we could have a possible 3 way. I know that Glenwood Springs wants to transfer to my area.
I am actually in Bella Vista Arkansas spending vacation time with family right now (till July 15th) If you are close enough, this would be a great time for me to pop down and check the area out Let me know.
Hi, I am Wendell from Glenwood Springs, and I am tring to get to the west coast, there is a carrier tring to get to texas from california. We may get a three way transfer? My phone number is (970) 928-0170. Call if you are still interested.