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Discussion Topic  Fort Worth Tx, to Manchester NH (in Mutual Transfer Ads - Letter Carriers) by RonJon
I would like to do a transfer to Manchester, NH for family reasons. My anniversary date is 5/2006. W......
Postal Forums > Mutual Transfer Ads - Letter Carriers

Discussion Topic  Fort Worth Tx, to Manchester NH (in Mutual Transfer Ads - Letter Carriers) by RonJon
I would like to do a transfer to Manchester, NH for family reasons. My anniversary date is 5/2006. W......
Postal Forums > Mutual Transfer Ads - Letter Carriers

Discussion Topic  RE: ohio to texas or florida all areas concidered (in Mutual Transfer Ads - Letter Carriers) by RonJon
what part of Ohio are you located in? Im in fort worth tx and considering oh as a place to relocate ......
Postal Forums > Mutual Transfer Ads - Letter Carriers

Discussion Topic  RE: Akron,Ohio to anywhere in Texas (in Mutual Transfer Ads - Letter Carriers) by RonJon
I am Ronald Smith from Fort Worth and considering OH as an relocation place for me and my family. I ......
Postal Forums > Mutual Transfer Ads - Letter Carriers

Discussion Topic  RE: ft myers/cape coral fl to texas (in Mutual Transfer Ads - Letter Carriers) by RonJon
ok let me know what happens please...
Postal Forums > Mutual Transfer Ads - Letter Carriers

Discussion Topic  RE: ft myers/cape coral fl to texas (in Mutual Transfer Ads - Letter Carriers) by RonJon
How soon are you looking to relocate to Tx? Im in Fort Worth and I'm considering Cape Coral as one o......
Postal Forums > Mutual Transfer Ads - Letter Carriers

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